The Third Annual Jim Doody Celebration for Hope
First Committee Meeting
Thursday, February 2, 2005
Welcome! Thank you for volunteering
your time!
1) Mission of The Jim Doody Foundation
i. Promote awareness of the prevalence and nature of brain tumors and the
need for brain tumor research funding
ii. To raise some of these needed funds
iii. To preserve the memory of Jim Doody and others afflicted with brain tumors
2) About The Third Annual Jim Doody Celebration for Hope
i. Friday, April 28, 2006
ii. 7pm Cocktails, 8pm Dinner
iii. Lake Isle Country Club
iv. Cocktail Hour, Sit-down Dinner
v. Dancing (Band)
vi. Featured Speaker from the Brain Tumor Community—Kendra Farn, NBC
News reporter who lost her father to a brain tumor in 2000
vii. Silent Auction
viii. Live Auction
ix. Raffle
3) Our goals this year:
i. Raise awareness about the prevalence and nature of brain tumors in our
local community
ii. Raise $50,000-$100,000 to benefit Duke to help find a cure
iii. Preserve the memory of Jim Doody—his dedication to public service
and to the ideal that one person can make a difference in the lives of many
4) About The Brain Tumor Center at Duke University
i. Please visit their website at (check)
ii. Describe Angels Among Us Walk—funds raised from luncheon will be
ceremoniously presented at this national event
iii. Information about participating in the Walk is included in the Duke packet. We’d love to be well represented.
Committee for The Third Annual Jim Doody Celebration for Hope
1) Circulate Contact Information Sheet—Please fill in the following information:
i. Addresses
ii. Phone numbers
iii. Email addresses
2) Honorary Committee Members
1) Publicity
2) Solicitation of Prizes, Auction Items, Donations
i. Corporations
ii. Restaurants
iii. Internet
iv. Local Merchants
3) Mailings
4) Volunteer Coordination
i. Soliciting new volunteers and be contact person
ii. Coordinate volunteers day of event
5) Raffle
6) Thank You Notes
“Save the Date” Cards
1) Distribute to Committee
2) Please send to anyone you think might be interested in attending the luncheon or donating to the Foundation
3) Please submit names and addresses of those to whom invitations should be sent (if they did not participate
last year)
Solicitation of Auction Items, Raffle Prizes and Donations
1) Anne Colavita, chairperson—Thank you Anne!!
2) Need volunteers to serve as geographic/categorical captains of solicitation
3) Whom to solicit:
i. Individuals
ii. Local Merchants
iii. Sports Teams
iv. Broadway Plays
v. Airlines
vi. Amusement Parks
vii. Children’s Activity Centers (free birthday party)
viii. Friends who have a home business
ix. Think out of the box
x. Last year’s donors
xi. Donation of frequent flyer miles
4) Methods of solicitation
i. Letter writing
ii. Word of mouth
iii. In-person visits to local merchants
5) Storage of Auction Items and Raffle Prizes
i. House items
ii. Keep running list of items and their value for inclusion in Program and
Raffle tickets
iii. As donations come in, thank you notes go out IMMEDIATELY
Entertainment/AV Equipment
1) Band
2) Video Presentations will run continuously on TVs around the room
1) Representative from Duke will be with us. The Duke rep
will be available to anyone with questions and will speak very briefly to thank the crowd etc—not a technical medical
discussion or long appeal
2) Masters of Ceremonies for Event once again will be Dan Heyman—Thank you!
3) A brief presentation by The Doody Family about the Foundation’s work and our Dad
4) Blessing –Minister from Jeff Hass’ church to give ecumenical blessing
1) Ads from local or relevant businesses
2) Memory pages taken by family members of those who have died of brain tumors
3) Celebration of life pages taken by families of brain tumor survivors
4) Place to express gratitude to all those who made this event possible
2) Mission of foundation
3) Information about the luncheon and how to get involved or donate
4) Links to information about brain tumors
5) Place for Committee Members to view minutes of meetings and up to date information on luncheon—password
protected—public cannot access this portion of the site—Go to Upcoming Events section and click on Committee Members. You will be prompted for a password which is Hope2006.
The Faces of Brain Tumors
1) Like that of last year but updated
2) Please feel free to invite people to include friends and family affected by brain tumors
Next Meeting
1) Thursday, March 2, 2006—6:30pm at Lake Isle
2) Agenda Items
i. Updates on all of the above!
Need volunteers to head various subcommittees and be responsible for accomplishing
certain tasks
M) Discussion of any other suggestions, comments or questions